Getting faster
Over the last week or so I've been getting noticeably faster. Not often on my ride in but consistently on my ride home. Last Tuesday I beat my previous PB commute home. On Wednesday I beat it again, and on Thursday and again this Monday. I now have my long commute home (9.90 miles) down to 30m23s. That's an average speed of 19.55mph. Previously I have not set myself a target for this ride but I'm now going to set one at 30m0s (19.8mph avg). This is the time it takes me on average if I take the car.
I did set another personal best last week too. My short commute home, 8.99 miles, was smashed on Friday with a time of 28m02s. Faster than the car and 16m48s faster than the first time I did it last May on my MTB.
I put some of this performance down to the fact that I'm getting fitter and stronger but it also coincides with me reading Graeme Obree's book: The Flying Scotsman
:-). A great book if you've not read it and much more detail than the film.
Tomorrow is the 1st April and I've signed up to a challenge to cycle every day in April. It's called 30 Days Of Biking. The only rule for 30 Days of Biking, April 1–30, 2011, is that you bike every day for 30 days - around the block, 20 miles to work, whatever suits you - then share your adventures online. You can register at
I looked on this challenge as a way to hit one of my goals, to ride 500 miles in a month. However, I'm so close this month that I'll be going out of my way to get the extra miles in. In the process I've also managed to complete the #Mar100 challenge by cycling 100 recreational miles in March.
Happy cycling.
I did set another personal best last week too. My short commute home, 8.99 miles, was smashed on Friday with a time of 28m02s. Faster than the car and 16m48s faster than the first time I did it last May on my MTB.
I put some of this performance down to the fact that I'm getting fitter and stronger but it also coincides with me reading Graeme Obree's book: The Flying Scotsman
Tomorrow is the 1st April and I've signed up to a challenge to cycle every day in April. It's called 30 Days Of Biking. The only rule for 30 Days of Biking, April 1–30, 2011, is that you bike every day for 30 days - around the block, 20 miles to work, whatever suits you - then share your adventures online. You can register at
I looked on this challenge as a way to hit one of my goals, to ride 500 miles in a month. However, I'm so close this month that I'll be going out of my way to get the extra miles in. In the process I've also managed to complete the #Mar100 challenge by cycling 100 recreational miles in March.
Happy cycling.
You and Clive have played it up so much, I signed on too. Can't let Brits' show us up now can we?
Good to hear it Mike.