
I got a puncture on the way home last night. No big deal as I carry two spare tubes, a pump, some tyre levers and some glueless patches. The thing is, I was offered a lift within seconds of getting off the bike. This isn't the first time this has happened either. The first time I had a puncture, back in October, someone else pulled over and asked if I wanted a lift.

Both times I've kindly rejected their offer but if the weather was foul or if there wasn't enough light to change the tube I may have taken them up on their offer.

Anyone else experienced similar acts of kindness?


  1. I once got a puncture 15 miles from home, swapped the tube only to get another one minutes later. As I was sitting by the bike getting psyched for a long walk, 2 old guys on very old racers stopped and offered to patch my tube. Their kindness turned a disaster into a lifelong memory.

    I carry 2 tubes and a repair kit these days - I've always carried a pump and had the opportunity to help several others with it :-)

  2. I frequently get and give offers of assistance with other bikers.

    Once I was at about mile 70 of a 125 mile day when I got a puncture. A driver stopped to offer assistance much as you described. Like you I had the necessary kit and was comfortable declining his offer, but I was a long way from home. It was encouraging to know others might help if the damage was beyond my resources.

  3. I've been offered help a couple of times when I've been ok, so politely thanked the people and let them off on their way.

    I try to be that Samaritan too when I can. A chap I saw pushing his bike back down off the moors above Littleborough, nursing a flat, was very grateful when I offered him a patch and some of my time. In the end he pumped up his flat and tried to get going home on his slowly flattening tyre, with a grateful grin on his face. Sadly, I passed him half an hour later after a lap of the lake, pushing home along the canal towpath: his air hadn't stayed in for long. We walked together for 5 minutes until he took his path home and I continued on my way, a brief friendship made.

    Years ago, in Suffolk, two lads on cracking bikes emerged from a field of recently harvested wheat, one with a flat from the scrub they'd ridden over. I offered my puncture kit and witnessed the fastest puncture repair I've ever seen to this day. He was off after his mate again within a couple of minutes, waving his gratitude.

    Makes your day, stuff like that...

  4. I forgot to mention that after fixing my puncture I managed to help a passing cyclist whose pannier rack had come loose and they couldn't identify the rattle. One of the bolts had come out and the bolt had got stuck on the cassette. They didn't have the first clue but I was happy to help.


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