Goals and PBs smashed!

Not a bad week at all.

I rode to work Monday, Thursday and Friday. I had Tuesday off to take the kids out as it was half term. Wednesday I would have ridden but I got a puncture at the end of my street and thought I'd leave it as I had my new wheels to fit that night.

On Saturday I went for a ride with Jean-François Phillips. It was 35 miles around the Sussex countryside with some decent hills thrown in! (see ride below)

On Sunday I wanted to complete Phill's #Feb100 challenge so I went for another ride. I did a 12 mile loop which goes close to Beachy Head. I've done it once before and it involves a 500ft climb in one go and I did it with a smallest gear of 39x25. It almost killed me but I was determined not to stop and not to use my smallest cog which could have given me a 30x25. On the ride I also beat my top speed record of 45.7mph with a small gain at 46.4mph (see ride below).

After completing my ride Sunday, I realised I've now ridden a total of 4,000 miles since I started just under a year ago!

As I mentioned previously, I fitted my new wheels Wednesday night. I also fitted a new set of Aztec brake pads. Not a moment too soon as the pads I removed from the Allez were shot!

This week I've also been buying a few more clothes. I can comfortably fit in to medium, yes, MEDIUM t-shirts from most shops now. I also bought a new fleece jacket that was SMALL. It wasn't a fluke either as I tried two different fleeces in two different shops. It really gives you a mental boost when you can see the changes.

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